Labor & Employment Attorney

Right Fit Fee Model

Right Fit Fee Agreements


Paying for legal fees is often of concern to many clients and can be the number one reason for not pursuing one’s rights and obtaining access to justice. E-Justice Project provides a number of payment options for Right Fit Fees. EJP’s right fit fee model allows for flexibility and transparency in deciding upon fees so there are no surprises later.

Below are some common payment options.


E-Justice Project offers a no cost initial consultation. This is time with an attorney, sharing your story and getting educated on law that may be applicable. Consultations usually last about an hour and are provided at no cost to potential clients. In fact, a potential client is not charged anything until EJP and the potential client agree to work together, discuss and agree upon payment options, and decide on the scope of the work to be performed. This information is then drafted in to a fee agreement which outlines the agreement and relationship between the client and EJP. This fee agreement is then signed by the client and representation begins.


When a a case is taken on a contingency fee, EJP is paid a percentage of the damages recovered. If EJP is unable to negotiate a satisfactory settlement or win an award in court, the client pays nothing. If damages are recovered through settlement or a court award, EJP’s fee is deducted, as well as costs, and the remaining balance belongs to the client. Contingency fees are a great way for a client with little financial resources to not have to come up with a large sum of money to pay for fees up front or shoulder the risks of pursuing a claim.


EJP offers a flat fee rate for some of its legal services (but not all). This is usually when EJP is hired to complete a specific task such as review a severance agreement or draft a letter. Exactly what is to be done (the scope) is decided upon up front and is limited to that specific task. EJP will provide a fee agreement detailing the scope of the task(s) to be performed with the cost of performing that task. Payment is made up front and may be held in a trust account for the client until services are performed or completed as agreed upon in the written fee agreement.


EJP may provide some services at an hourly rate. In this situation, EJP will discuss in detail with the client what task(s) are to be accomplished. EJP will provide an estimate of the time believed to be needed to perform a task or set of task(s) and will set an hourly rate (generally around $200 an hour depending on the task). The client pays up front for the estimated hours and the funds are kept in a trust account and only paid to EJP as the work is performed. EJP will keep the client updated on the progress, how many hours have been used, and what has been paid to EJP so far (generally on a monthly basis). EJP will inform the client if additional hours are needed to complete the task(s) and client can add to the account. The unused portion is refunded to the client upon completion of the work.


A retainer works similar to an hourly rate. The client puts up front a specific dollar amount (usually around $5,000). EJP keeps the retainer in trust to be used as needed. As EJP performs the work, EJP is paid from the retainer. The client replenishes the retainer account when funds go below a certain amount. The unused balance of the retainer will be returned to the client or can be held in trust in anticipation of future work to be performed by EJP.


EJP’s right fit fee model, allows for flexibility in billing. EJP can work with individual clients to come up with a fee payment solution that is the right fit for everyone. This may include some combination of two or more of the payment models listed above.

Whatever fee model is decided upon, EJP will provide the client with a written fee agreement detailing the payment model, the scope of the work, how costs are handled and when and how payment is to be made

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